How to Get into Nursing School: An Online Guide for Students

An orange graduation cap icon with the letters "M" and "E" integrated into the design, set against a white circular background with a gray border.
Author: Christine Lyons
Dr. LaTashia Kiel

Dr. LaTashia Kiel

Dr. LaTashia Kiel, DNP, RN, CEN is a Doctor of Nursing Practice prepared registered nurse who has an interest in cancer care, acute nursing care, and community advocacy. A three-time graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, Kiel received a bachelor’s degree in Nursing and went on to further her nursing education with a Master’s degree in Adult Health with a Focus on Teaching, and eventually her doctorate in nursing. She currently teaches a Professional Nursing Management course at UT-Austin where she helps students prepare for careers in nursing.

Whether you want to be a practical nurse or an advanced practice RN, nursing school is your first step. This guide walks future nurses like you through the admissions process so you canpass rate maximize your chances of getting into your dream program.

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Two nurses in blue scrubs, surgical caps, and masks stand in an operating room with medical equipment in the background. One looks down while the other, a woman, gazes thoughtfully to the

Nurses are needed now more than ever. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects close to 200,000 new nurses joining the profession between 2021 and 2031. Every day, nurses make decisions that can forever impact the lives of their patients, and they care for our communities and step up in times of crisis.

Because nursing is so demanding, nursing schools look for candidates that are certain to rise to the challenge of finding the best and brightest to fill the nursing ranks. Whether you’ve always wanted to be a nurse or you’re just beginning to explore the possibility, you should know that applying to nursing school is a serious undertaking.

Choosing the right school increases your chances of admission. Even if you already have a dream school in mind, getting admitted is going to take everything you’ve got. This guide walks you through the steps to applying and offers concrete, actionable advice as you make your way through the process.


Know Before You Go

Before beginning the application process, narrowing down your list of potential nursing schools is crucial. Many institutions use NursingCAS, a common application system for nursing programs. Despite this streamlined approach, the process can still be intense and expensive.

Identifying the type of nursing career you aspire to pursue is a vital initial step. Although you’ll likely encounter diverse clinical experiences, certain programs may be better suited for specific nursing styles. For those aiming for advanced practice nursing, ensuring that your entry-level degree aligns with your future educational goals is essential.

By matching your learnin

pass rate
g style and academic achievements to the right school, you’ll become a more attractive candidate and increase your likelihood of success within the program. As you begin to build your list of schools, consider these questions.

What Are Your Career Goals?

Where do you see yourself in five years? It’s a common question for prospective nursing students because the answer matters, especially for nurses. There are so many directions you can take. You need to think beyond simply getting into a program. Ask yourself what kind of nurse you want to be.

  • What kind of hours will you need? A regular 9-to-5? Third shift?
  • Do you want to travel?
  • What kind of patients do you want to work with? Adults? Kids? Seniors?
  • Are you passionate about a certain field like oncology or emergency medicine or sports medicine?
  • What kind of setting do you see yourself in? A doctor’s office or clinic? A hospital?

Nursing isn’t a one-size-fits-all profession. The job of a pediatric ICU nurse is very different from the job of a physician assistant at a community clinic. The education you will need, bachelor’s or master’s, and training certifications vary accordingly. Here are some common and not-so-common career paths to think about:

  • Medical-surgical nurses work with ill and injured patients, helping them recover from injury, illness, and surgery.
  • Disaster response nurses deploy after hurricanes, tornados, floods, fires, and natural disasters. Some may serve in war zones.
  • NICU or neonatal intensive care nurses care for premature and medically complex infants.
  • Nurse practitioners are advanced practice nurses who provide primary or specialty care.
  • Orthopedic nurses work with patients suffering from musculoskeletal disease and disorders resulting from injury or conditions such as arthritis or genetic malformations.
  • Physician assistants practice medicine under the supervision of licensed physicians and surgeons.

Still not 100% sure? Check out EduMed’s Nursing Degree Pathfinder

What Is Your Ideal Program?

Here again, you need to do some soul searching. Be honest with yourself about how much time you can devote to nursing school. If, realistically, your answer is not much, are you willing to go back to school once you have started working to achieve your goals? Figure you where you want to start your career and where you want it to go.

Start by asking yourself the questions to find out what you need from your nursing program:

Degree or certificate?

Your answer will depend on 2 things—your time and your goals.

  • Training time: Certificate programs last a year or two and will prepare you for practical nursing (LPN or LVN). Registered nurse training lasts between two and three years for an associate degree (ADN) or four years to earn your bachelor’s degree (BSN).
  • Career goals: Your scope of practice and responsibility corresponds to your degree level. Practical nurses often work under the supervision of RNs. BSN nursing encompasses more than ADN nursing. If your ultimate goal is an advanced practice nursing specialty, you will need a bachelor’s degree and potentially graduate study as well.

Online or in person?

Can you commit to attending classes on campus? If you opt for an online nursing program do you prefer synchronous or asynchronous courses? Do you want all in-person clinicals or a hybrid of online simulation and hands-on practice?

Does accreditation matter?

Accreditation is crucial, and your entire career relies on it. Your school should be specifically accredited for your nursing program. Here are some places you can check for a school’s accreditations:

What about certification?

Nurses must pass the NCLEX to practice. An easy way to see if the school’s curriculum is up to snuff is to check it’s NCLEX pass rate.

What Is Your Ideal School?

Remember your nursing program is part of a larger school and community. Here are some things you need to consider:

  • Location: Will you attend a brick-and-mortar school or take classes online? Will you live on campus or off campus or at home? If you plan to commute, is the location convenient?
  • Clinicals: Find out the number of hours for supervised clinicals and where you’ll complete them. Is it realistic for you? Does the school have other internship or externship opportunities to further your nursing practice or help you specialize?
  • Cost: Look beyond tuition to see what sort of financial aid is available.
  • Support: Does the school feel welcoming? Does it use a cohort model? Does it offer academic support?
  • Class size: Check student-teacher ratios.

Here are five tips for building your list of schools:


Apply to multiple schools. Admissions are very selective. Applying to multiple programs increases your chance of acceptance.


Match your needs to your goals. Choose schools that meet your financial needs, your time constraints, and your career goals. Don’t sacrifice one for the other.


Be realistic. Put some “reach” schools on your list, but take care to include schools in which you clearly meet or exceed all admissions criteria.


Use the common app. Nursing school applications are notoriously complex. Use NursingCAS to streamline the process for participating schools.


Show up. Some schools require attendance at an informational session. Others will require interviews.

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Get Ready, Get Set, Get In

You’ll be juggling multiple deadlines and application materials, so you need to be strategic when you apply. Create a system to keep track of what you have and what you still need to do:

  • Create a spreadsheet to track and compare each of your school’s requirements.
  • Make a checklist for your application to-dos.
  • Make a folder for each school’s application materials.
  • Use a wall calendar or an e-calendar to keep track of due dates.
  • Set reminders ahead of time so that you never miss a deadline.

Once your system is set up, you are ready to get started.


Speak to a Counselor

Nursing school applications can be extremely specific. Reaching out for help can make you more successful. Here are some ways to get help:

  • High school guidance counselors or college and career counselors can help you build your application. However, the onus is on you to dig out the requirements for individual schools.
  • College admissions counselors have in-depth knowledge of their school’s requirements, but may not be able to field all of your questions.
  • Paid consultants work as admissions counselors or coaches and help you navigate the admissions process.
  • Contact teachers and students in the program. They know what it takes to be a successful applicant and a successful student. It’s the best way to find out if the program is truly a good fit for you.

Here are 5 things to ask of any potential program.


Q: What is the NCLEX pass rate?

A: The overall NCLEX pass rate for first time exam takers hovers over 85% for RNs and PNs. Repeat takers’ pass rates are roughly 40% or lower. Choosing a school with a proven track record of NCLEX preparation clearly matters.


Q: How many clinical hours are required? Why is this the amount the school requires?


Q: How does this program prepare nurses for further education?


Q: What kind of support does your school provide for its nursing students?


Q: What kind of career placement assistance does the school offer? What percentage of students have job offers at graduation?


Research Admissions Requirements

Do you meet or exceed the basic admissions standards to be accepted into a nursing program? Go through this checklist to see if you have what it takes to get in.

High School Diploma or GED

A high school diploma is a baseline requirement for admission to most nursing programs. Without a diploma, a GED is an internationally recognized alternative.

The GED is a test that covers four core subject areas—math, language arts, social studies, and science. Prospective nursing students will want to focus on math and science. To take the test, you must sign up on the GED site. It is a one-stop shop complete with study materials and test tips. However, some students benefit from separate prep courses. Check your state eligibility rules for age requirements.

To pass the GED, you need to score 145 in each of the test areas. Scoring above 165 shows that you are ready for college. Scoring over 175 can earn you up to 10 hours of college credit.

Some technical or trade schools may allow you to enroll without a high school diploma or GED. Often, they include GED courses in their program. Others may require proficiency testing.

Entrance Exams


Prerequisite Classes

CPR Certification


Know and Understand Your Schools’ of Interest Admission Requirements

Once you understand the requirements for entering a nursing program, you’ll need to determine how to gain admission to the specific program you wish to attend. For high school students, planning should ideally start by their junior year. If you’re returning to school to earn your RN, staying mindful of admission deadlines is crucial. Create a plan and be pragmatic about your schedule.

College counselors frequently advise selecting at least one school that may be a reach based on your GPA, test scores, and other qualifications. Additionally, identify at least one school that serves as a realistic option and another that is highly likely to accept you. This approach ensures a balanced selection of schools for application.


Start online

Gather basic admission information, request packets and research if your schools have separate requirements for nursing programs.


Get organized


Schedule testing


Check the prerequisites


Fill out your FAFSA


Know your dates


Beat the clock


Prepare and Write Your Essays

Your admissions essay can separate you from the pack of applicants. To make sure yours shines, follow these five tips.


Give them a reason

You aren’t just applying to any school; you are applying to a nursing school. Tell them why. Do you have a parent or sibling in medicine? Did a relative or friend’s illness spark a desire to go into nursing? Don’t talk in generalities, like “I’ve always liked helping people.” Show them where your drive to be a nurse really comes from.


Be specific


Be yourself


Be original


Proof it

Dr. LaTashia Kiel of UT-Austin counsels students to find the aspects of their lives that will make them stand out and make their essay unique. She reminds students that applications for nursing schools and nursing jobs come in all at the same time. Schools and employers are looking for something in your applications that stands out. She recounts a story of including a high school job in a fast food restaurant. It’s a job that taught her about customer service, responsibility, and cleanliness—skills that definitely translate to nursing.


Career Statements

Career statements essentially answer the question of where you want to be in five or 10 years. Your answer is important to nursing schools, because they want to know that you have ambition. With limited seats available in each program, they want to know you are a safe bet. They want to know you’ll not only finish the program, but you’ll finish strong. A well written statement says all of this.

Statements are not meant to be another essay and some schools will use them in lieu of personal essays. These are succinct, clear statements of purpose and passion. Follow guidelines for in-application statements or objectives. If you are putting a career statement at the top of your resume, it should be a maximum of three to four sentences or bullet points.

Key points to hit:

  • Your motivation
  • Your preparation
  • Your vision


Play up your strengths. Use examples that show the personal characteristics that make or will make you a good nurse.

State goals. Have a realistic idea of what you want to do as a nurse. Then, connect this to your motivation for becoming a nurse.

Show them you are serious. Indicate what steps you have taken to build your career. High school seniors can use a CPR class or hospital volunteering.

Highlight your data. Quantify your experience whether it is the number of years you have worked, employees you supervised, or AP classes you aced.



Rehash your essay. They don’t want to hear your whole life story here. Keep it short and sweet.

Overstate your goals. Just because Sylvia Trent-Adams was the first nurse Surgeon General, doesn’t mean this is a realistic career goal for you.

Be insincere. Don’t tell them what you think they want to hear, make your statement reflect your reality.

Use generalities. Use concrete examples and real numbers.


Letters of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation or references are essential parts of your application. Just as your essay or personal statement tells them who you are, your references are there to vouch for you. You will need at least one recommendation and perhaps more based on the school’s requirements.

These surefire tips will help to get good letters of recommendation:

Choose wisely

  • Only ask for references from people who will give you a good one.
  • Request references from people who will speak specifically to the qualities that will make you a good nurse (not just a good person) like academic achievement, critical thinking skills, and a compassionate nature.
  • If you need more than one reference, make sure they are varied. Coaches, teachers, volunteer supervisors, employers, and club advisors can all provide useful perspectives.

Start early

Tell them why you chose them

Be clear about the deadline and delivery

Don’t forget to say thanks!


Compile Your Extracurriculars, Volunteerism, and Other Accomplishments

You are more than your grades and your application should reflect that.

Schools want to know how you choose to spend your time, because it shows a lot about your interests and priorities. Your extracurriculars and activities are great examples of your leadership, perseverance, and accomplishments. These extras give you another chance to show what makes you nursing school material.

Some schools will ask you for a resume, portfolio, or CV. Other schools may ask you to list your activities within the application. Still others may expect to see evidence of your extracurricular activities in your essay.

Here are 5 ways to highlight your out-of-the-classroom strengths:


Leadership positions

Class president? Captain of the track team? Yearbook editor? Show them you can handle responsibility.


Volunteer work


Extra classes


Awards and achievements



Low on the “extras?”

You have two options.


Find ways to showcase your out-of-the-box activities. Can you frame experiences from your after school or summer job? Did you help tutor friends?


Get involved now. It’s not too late to fill in that resume. Find the activities that reflect your interest in nursing. Volunteer at a hospital or day care. Join an after school club. Enter an academic contest. Get active in your local community center. You can always find ways to round out the resume and better late than never.



Nursing schools have a lot of highly qualified candidates to sort through. Interviews are one tool they use to find those students who will fit in well to their program and have what it takes to succeed.

For prospective students, interviews can be nerve wracking. The best antidote to anxiety is preparation.

Here are 10 tips to ace that interview.


Get the questions

Okay, you won’t be able to get the actual questions before your interview, but a quick search on YouTube or Google will give you a good handle on the type of questions you’ll be asked.


Get the answers


Get specific


Get mnemonic


Get practice


Get it on film


Get yourself ready


Get there early


Get some air


Give yourself a break

How to Stand Out on Your Nursing School Application

With a nationwide nursing shortage, you may be asking yourself why it’s so hard to get a seat in a nursing program.

Nurses have a tremendous impact on the lives of patients and their families. That’s why nursing schools are on the lookout for the best and brightest students. They want to ensure that nurses are well-prepared for success. As a result, student clinical rotations have limited spots available to maintain low student-to-teacher ratios.

Since the stakes are so high, standing out from the crowd is essential. Here are some ways to get ahead and set yourself apart.


Nothing shows commitment more than volunteer work. It’s also a good way for you to find out if you are cut out for a career in nursing.

  • Hospital volunteer. Most local hospitals have volunteer or shadow programs for high school students. Your duties may range from delivering flowers to answering phone calls to entering data.
  • Homeless shelter. Caring and compassion are critical skills for nurses. Here too, you may be answering phones and running errands, but you will also have opportunities to connect and care for shelter residents.
  • Daycare centers. If you hope to work with children or specialize in pediatric nursing, day care experience can be invaluable. You may have opportunities to read and play with children while supporting daycare staff.
  • Nursing homes or senior centers. Visiting with seniors is as rewarding for the volunteer as it is for the residents. Volunteers often help with games or activities. They may keep residents company during meals or help staff with clerical duties.
  • Veterinary offices or animal shelters. While the patients may have four legs instead of two, volunteering with animals is another way to gain great experience.

Work in Healthcare

Highlight Your Awards

Be Yourself


Insight from a Nursing School Professor

Dr. LaTashia Kiel

Dr. LaTashia Kiel, DNP, RN, CEN is a Doctor of Nursing Practice prepared registered nurse who has an interest in cancer care, acute nursing care, and community advocacy. A three-time graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, Kiel received a bachelor’s degree in Nursing and went on to further her nursing education with a Master’s degree in Adult Health with a Focus on Teaching, and eventually her doctorate in nursing. She currently teaches a Professional Nursing Management course at UT-Austin where she helps students prepare for careers in nursing.

Q. Why is it important to highlight your uniqueness in your nursing school application?

Nursing school applications come in all at the same time. You need to find a way to set yourself apart. Students are often thinking about the best way to showcase how smart they are or what they’ve accomplished.

Students are thinking about it from their own perspective, not the school’s perspective, so it all looks the same. You want to put something in there that shows how you are different, something that makes you stand out.

Q. What are some ways to show that side of you to schools?

Q. What are you looking for in a nursing school application?

Q. What is one common mistake people make on nursing school applications?

Q. What can a student do if they aren’t accepted into a nursing program on their first try?

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