College Students with Chronic Health Conditions: Rights, Resources & Scholarships

Dr. Ann Marie Sastry
Dr. Ann Marie Sastry is President and CEO of Amesite. She was invited to the White House in 2015 for recognition in technology entrepreneurship and met with President Barack Obama. Prior to starting her companies, Dr. Sastry was Professor of Mechanical, Biomedical and Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan.
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Earning a degree can be tough for anyone, but for college students with diabetes, asthma, and other chronic health conditions, it can be even tougher. If this sounds like you (or a loved one), learn your rights, find key resources, and get expert insight.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 60% of Americans have a chronic disease, and 40% have two or more. Chronic health conditions can feel overwhelming in college, but plenty of resources and support systems exist to help learners thrive. Whether you’re a high school senior thinking about college options or the parent of a student with a chronic illness, this guide is for you. Learn about federal laws governing disabilities, find tips on managing a chronic condition, and get key insight from an expert in managing chronic conditions.
Types of Chronic Conditions
According to the CDC, chronic conditions are diseases or illnesses that last at least one year, create limitations on a person’s daily life, and require ongoing medical services. Here are some of the most common ones that Americans face each day.
Allergies and Asthma
Allergies and asthma can affect school performance as you are exposed to new environments, people, and foods that may carry allergens that constrict airflow. Unprepared dining halls may lack nutrient-dense foods, roommates may smoke, and friends may inadvertently set off allergies or an asthma attack without knowing it. Each of these scenarios can make students with allergies and asthma miss classes and struggle with keeping up.
Student-specific ways to manage this condition
- Learn what’s available to support you on campus, including nebulizer treatments and allergists.
- Check where the nearest hospital or urgent care center is located.
- Ask for a newer dorm as it will have less dust and/or mold.
- Contact dining services to learn about special accommodations.
- Let your roommates, friends, and professors know where your epinephrine auto-injector is kept.
- Are Your Allergies and Asthma Ready for College? The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology provides this helpful piece for college-bound learners.
- Asthma & the College-Aged Student. The Asthma & Allergy Center shares helpful tips on preparing for college.
- Preparation is Key as You Head to College with Allergies and Asthma. Use this guide to think about what to do before starting a degree.
Diabetes can impact school performance when blood sugar levels get off kilter and cause you to miss classes and turn in assignments late. Eating the wrong types of foods, forgetting to take medicine, and accidentally running out of medicines and test strips can all impact your ability to stay focused and on schedule while in college.
Student-specific ways to manage this condition
- Set alarms on your phone to remind you to check your blood sugar.
- Check with your school’s health department to see if they can fill prescriptions.
- Teach your roommate/friends what do if your blood sugar drops.
- Understand how alcohol affects diabetes.
- Learn about accommodations available to you as a student with diabetes.
- Dealing with Diabetes in College. Yale Medicine offers helpful advice on supporting students as they manage their condition.
- Going to College with Diabetes. The American Diabetes Association provides a self-advocacy guide for students.
- Going off to College and Have Diabetes? diaTribe Learn offers actionable information on making the shift from high school to college.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome can leave you feeling achy, tired, and unable to accomplish all that’s required of them. Whether you struggle to walk between classes, stay awake while trying to complete assignments, or find it difficult to rest when sharing a room, each of these issues can make your school performance suffer.
Student-specific ways to manage this condition
- Ask for a single-room dormitory to avoid interruptions caused by a roommate.
- Find out if any transportation accommodations exist.
- Try to schedule your classes around times when you feel the most awake.
- Spread out your classes so they aren’t back-to-back, if possible.
- Consider taking some online classes so you don’t have to move about campus as much.
- 6 Pieces of Advice for Starting University with CFS. Use these tips to navigate your first year with more ease and confidence.
- Graduating College Despite having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Chronic illness activist Karina Wagenpfeil shares her experience.
- What Chronic Fatigue Taught Me About Owning My Student Experience. Check out advice provided by a former student who dealt with CFS.
Crohn’s Disease and IBS
Chron’s disease, IBS, and other digestive illnesses can hold students back from fully participating in college life. New diets, lack of access to medicines, and anxiety over communal living can all impact school performance.
Student-specific ways to manage this condition
- Find a local gastroenterologist prior to starting school.
- Download an app such as Sit Or Squat to help you find nearby restrooms.
- Be mindful of foods new to your diet when visiting the cafeteria.
- Ask about getting a single dorm room with a private bathroom.
- Learn if any housing options provide a kitchen so you can control your food intake.
- 10 Ways Students Can Manage IBD in College. The University of Michigan offers actionable guidance.
- I’m a College Student with Chron’s Disease. HerCampus shares this guest post from a college student with Chron’s.
- Navigating College. The Chron’s and Colitis Foundation put together this helpful guide.
Cystic Fibrosis
Fighting against cystic fibrosis and completing demanding coursework can feel overwhelming, especially when dealing with late nights where you don’t get enough sleep, old dorm rooms with lots of dirt and dust, and inaccessible classrooms.
Student-specific ways to manage this condition
- Ask for changes in physical education class requirements.
- Find out if recordings of class are available if you miss due to CF.
- Request parking spaces near the front doors of buildings where classes are held.
- See about having a reduced course load.
- Ask for an accessible dorm room.
- Accommodations for College. Learn about what’s reasonable to expect when attending with CF.
- Managing My CF in College. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation shares this personal story about coping while in school.
- Suggestions to Help You Manage CF at College. shared this helpful information for students with CF.
Endometriosis and POS
Endometriosis and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome make it difficult for female college students to maintain a consistent schedule when facing issues around painful and extended periods, anxiety over sharing a bathroom with others, and concerns about staying focused in class while experiencing discomfort.
Student-specific ways to manage this condition
- Ask if anyone at the college’s health center is trained in women’s healthcare; if not, find a local provider.
- Ask the dining hall if they can provide information on ingredients to avoid inflammatory foods.
- Keep an eye on your prescription and do not let it run low.
- Review your syllabi early in the semester and try to plan assignments accordingly.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for extensions if you experience a flare-up.
- Endometriosis: College Planning. The Center for Young Women’s Health provides guidance on what to think through before heading to college.
- Life with PCOS As a College Student. See how other students with endocrine issues handle their college workload.
- The College Girl’s Guide to Endometriosis. The Endometriosis Foundation of America offers this tailored guidance.
Living with epilepsy in college can feel difficult due to so many new things being out of your control. Stressful classes, roommates unknowingly flashing lights, or reactions to alcohol can all cause seizures.
Student-specific ways to manage this condition
- If unable to drive, pick a college in a place with good public transportation.
- Put your home-based epilepsy care team in touch with the health center at your new school.
- Share with friends and roommates about seizure first aid procedures.
- If your school has blue light safety buttons, learn where these are if you feel a seizure coming on.
- Ask if your campus can provide rides during times when the campus is emptier (e.g., after a night class).
- Attending College. The Epilepsy Foundation provides multiple helpful resources for students with epilepsy.
- Epilepsy Strategies: Transitioning to College. Use these tips to make your move to college easier and less stressful.
- Preparing Young Adults with Epilepsy for College. Texas Children’s Hospital offers concrete tips for getting ready.
Kidney Disease
Kidney disease is a progressive illness that can cause a student to deteriorate rapidly if they do not keep up with their treatment plan or make too many changes in their lifestyle all at once. Eating new foods in the cafeteria, not getting enough sleep, and stressing over projects can all contribute to problems for these learners.
Student-specific ways to manage this condition
- Figure out your dialysis schedule and when/where it is available before selecting classes.
- Consider taking a lighter course load.
- Work with student health services to develop a pain management protocol.
- Ask the dining hall about meal plans that support kidney health.
- To avoid a dual diagnosis with diabetes, monitor your blood sugar closely.
- Going to School on Home Dialysis. Wondering how to manage your time spent on dialysis vs. going to classes? This guide can help.
- Managing College and Kidney Disease. The National Kidney foundation offers advice on thriving in college with kidney disease.
- School & Family Problems of Children with Kidney Failure. The Kidney & Urology Foundation of America looks as some of the areas where students may need additional help.
Lupus, Celiac, and Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases such as lupus, Celiac, and rheumatoid arthritis can manifest in myriad symptoms and issues, making it important for college students to try and maintain a balanced, peaceful schedule. Overfilling your schedule, eating foods in which you don’t know the ingredients, and staying up late can all increase your risks of a flare.
Student-specific ways to manage this condition
- Ask for a list of gluten-free/Celiac friendly foods on campus.
- Locate a rheumatologist near your campus before starting school.
- Be aware of the types of foods/situations that cause a flare.
- Try to avoid excessive sugar – this includes alcohol.
- Schedule your most difficult classes at times of day when you typically feel your best
- Living with an Autoimmune Disease. College student Francie Castillo shares her experience in this HerCampus piece.
- Stories and Advice from Gluten-Free Students. Beyond Celiac offers real-life advice from students who have navigated college successfully.
- Top 10 Action Items for College-Bound Teens with Lupus. The Lupus Foundation of America highlights some tips for making it through school with lupus.
Mental Health Challenges
Mental health challenges – whether anxiety, depression, substance abuse, or bipolar disorder – can wreak havoc on the life of college students if left unattended. The stress of difficult classes, anxiety brought on by lack of alone time, and feelings of low self-worth can all contribute to increased mental health issues.
Student-specific ways to manage this condition
- Pick a school that can support you rather than increasing anxiety or other mental health concerns.
- Make sure you stick strictly to your medication regimen.
- Avoid drinking too much.
- Develop good coping mechanisms, such as joining an intramural team or going on walks with friends.
- Be honest with your professors, friends, and roommates when struggling.
- Addressing Mental Health Challenges on College Campuses. Forbes takes a look at how schools can help students with mental health issues.
- Managing a Mental Health Condition in College. The National Alliance on Mental Health provides a wealth of resources on this topic.
- Ten Things You Can Do for Your Mental Health. The University of Michigan’s University Health Service offers these tips.
Other Chronic Health Issues
Other types of chronic illnesses and diseases students may come to college with include:
- Arthritis
- Mood disorders
- Heart disease
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Cancer
- Eating disorders
- Reflect Sympathetic Dystrophy
Success in College with a Chronic Condition
Chronic conditions can feel overwhelming, but they shouldn’t stand in the way of student achievement in college. Plenty of support mechanisms and accommodations exist to help learners find balance and success.
Getting Support on Campus for a Chronic Condition
Student Health Center
The CDC provides a very succinct explanation, defining workplace violence as “the act or threat of violence, ranging from verbal abuse to physical assaults directed toward persons at work or on duty.” Violence is abusive or harassing behavior, and threats can be written, verbal, or physical. The World Health Organization adds that these violent acts may be explicit or implicit and can involve any circumstance related to a person’s work, including commuting. Workplace violence includes both physical and psychological threats and harm.
Accessibility/Disability Office
While no student has to disclose the nature of their illness, working with the disability office to develop appropriate accommodations can make it easier to manage a chronic condition. Examples of accommodations include campus transportation, single dorm rooms, extended time for assignments, and separate testing rooms.
Dean of Students
The Dean of Students can help learners with chronic conditions balance the non-academic side of their college experience, including managing their illness, providing access to emotional support services, and coordinating with other departments if the student experiences a medical emergency.
Food Services
Students with chronic illnesses affected by food should get to know the director of their food services program before starting college. This person can work with the student to identify safe foods and ensure foods are prepared in a way that won’t exacerbate their illness. If having a meal card poses too much of a risk, this department can also help learners avoid incurring fees.
Many learners with chronic illnesses need special housing to help manage their condition. Those with IBS, for instance, may desire a private restroom. Individuals with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome may do better without a roommate. Make contact with the Department of Student Housing soon after receiving admittance to learn about your options.
Busting Myths About Chronic Conditions
Many misperceptions about chronic conditions still exist, despite more widespread information now being available. We take a look at some of the most common myths below.
Chronic Condition Myth | Chronic Condition Reality |
Creating consequences for students who struggle with chronic illness will help them get on track. | Punitive consequences often exasperate the issues these students face, increasing their stress levels and creating more issues for them. |
Students with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome are just lazy and can’t keep up with the workload. | CFS is a diagnosable illness that is backed by science. Students with CFS are often highly ambitious individuals whose illness makes it impossible for them to work at the same level as their peers. |
Celiac is an overblown fad illness. | While individuals avoiding gluten for non-medically based reasons has grown in recent years, Celiac is a serious medical condition. Students with Celiac who encounter gluten can experience severe issues in their small intestines. |
Students with anxiety or depression just need to force themselves to get up and be around people. | This mindset can often worsen the effects of mental illness, making it more difficult for students to recover. |
People grow out of their allergies and asthma as they age. | While this is true for many individuals, some people live with these issues their entire lives. Others develop them as they age. |
Know Your Rights Regarding Chronic Conditions in College
Both the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Title IX make protections for students with chronic illnesses. As Allegheny College notes, students with chronic diseases must be granted reasonable accommodations under the ADA so long as they communicate what their illness entails. Students who do not disclose their illness may not receive adequate accommodations. Reasonable accommodations can include deadline extensions and not receiving marks for missing class due to illness. Title IX focuses on discrimination based on sex and proves valuable for sex-specific diseases, such as endometriosis or PCOS.
FAQs: Adapting to College with a Chronic Condition
Q: Who should I let know about my condition? Who should be made aware?
A: The answer may vary based on the type of illness and its severity, but options include the student health center, disability office, dean of students, food services department, housing office, professors, and roommates/friends.
Q: Should I consider online classes?
A: For some students, completing a hybrid (partially online) or fully online degree works best with their symptoms. That being said, schools must offer reasonable accommodations for in-person learners that make it possible for them to manage their illness and attend college.
Q: What should I do if I need a special type of housing?
A: The student housing office should work with you to provide a reasonable housing accommodation. This may include assigning a single room, a space with a private bathroom/kitchen, or a recently built dorm with less dust. If the school is unable to accommodate your request, you can ask for a waiver and move to off campus accommodations.
Q: Should I find a doctor near my new school?
A: Again, this depends on the type of illness you have and its severity. Some students may find that it works to see their normal doctor over holidays and school breaks. Others may decide to find a local practitioner should a need arise.
Q: What should I do if a class has assigned seating?
A: Many students with chronic illnesses prefer to sit towards the back of class in case they need to slip out due to digestive issues, giving themselves an insulin shot, or fidgeting due to a painful flare-up. If a teacher has an assigned seating policy, speak with them early and ask for a seat near the back. This is considered a reasonable accommodation.
Scholarships for Students with Chronic Illnesses
AbbVie CF Scholarship
Up to $25,000
5/24/20 (annually)
Undergraduate and graduate students with cystic fibrosis can apply.
How to Apply
Applicants submit photo, creative presentation, essay, and list of achievements.
Breathe for Bea Scholarship
Breathe for Bea
4/1/21 (annually)
Students diagnosed with cystic fibrosis can apply to this award if aged 25 or younger.
How to Apply
Submit undergraduate acceptance letter, evidence of CF, and essay.
Candice’s Sickle Cell Fund Inc.
4/14/21 (annually)
College students diagnosed with sickle cell anemia can apply.
How to Apply
Submit completed application, references, essay, and commitment to volunteerism.
American Kidney Fund
Up to $5,000
7/10/20 (annually)
Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma students can apply if they use dialysis to manage renal disease.
How to Apply
Submit income tax returns, tuition bill, statement of purpose, and nephrologist reference letter.
Diabetes Scholars
Up to $5,000
4/15/21 (annually)
High school seniors with Type 1 diabetes who demonstrate high achievement.
How to Apply
The organization offers several different scholarships, each of which sets different requirements.
Up to $10,000
3/6/21 (annually)
Students diagnosed with epilepsy or other seizures can apply regardless of degree level.
How to Apply
Submit completed application, physician’s note, essay, and evidence of academic and personal achievements.
The Quell Foundation
Up to $1,500
4/1/21 (annually)
High school seniors diagnosed with a mental health condition are eligible.
How to Apply
Submit evidence of mental health diagnosis and evidence of 2.7 or higher GPA.
JC Runyon Scholarship
JC Runyon Foundation
3/6/21 (annually)
Students who completed an inpatient mental health program now working towards an undergraduate degree.
How to Apply
Submit completed application, evidence of inpatient treatment, two recommendation letters, and an essay.
Lupus Foundation of America
5/31/20 (annually)
Undergraduate Floridians diagnosed with Lupus qualify for this award.
How to Apply
Application requirements include physician letter, 2.5 GPA or higher, essay, and proof of residency.
Patient Advocate Foundation
Up to $3,000
2/19/21 (annually)
Any student diagnosed with a chronic illness under the age of 25.
How to Apply
Submit physician’s letter, essay, two letters of recommendation, transcripts, and financial form.
Insight from a Chronic Conditions Expert
Dr. Ann Marie Sastry is President and CEO of Amesite. She was invited to the White House in 2015 for recognition in technology entrepreneurship and met with President Barack Obama. Prior to starting her companies, Dr. Sastry was Professor of Mechanical, Biomedical and Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan.
1) What should faculty, staff, and fellow students be aware of about students with chronic illnesses?
Flexibility is key. The old notion that courses are merely competitions isn’t good for any learner – and is devastating for those with illnesses or disabilities. Keep in mind – the goal should always be to advance the learner, not to set up contests among learners and judge performance based only on speed of response, or completion within a certain timeframe. Leaving courses and assignments open longer is more easily done online than for on-ground, synchronous learning, and staffing can be made flexible for instruction by covering larger numbers of courses with smaller enrollments.
2) What are some of the challenges someone without a chronic illness may not consider?
Students living with chronic illness may be well enough to communicate about their health and take an active role in their own care but unable to actively work or participate in learning. You may think that clear communications and timely responses are a signal of readiness for school, but they’re not.
Caregiving provided to a learner is often invisible to instructors. And the scheduling of schoolwork may be completely dependent upon caregivers’ schedules. Making sure that adequate caregiving is available and consistent with instructional timing and goals is important.
3) What advice would you give to current/prospective students with chronic illnesses?
Decide upfront to focus on the real goals – advancement and acquisition of knowledge and skills. Resist assessing performance based on comparisons to peers alone or other metrics which limit flexibility. Remote learning offers great flexibility for the instructor and the learner alike. Learning also requires engagement – so making sure that video calls are scheduled at a time that works for both is really important and helpful. These may not happen at traditional school times, either! Instructors and learners may find that evenings and weekends are actually easier for both and should adapt their expectations to the flexibility that they really have.