Accelerated Online Sonography & Ultrasound Tech Degree Programs
Accelerated online sonography and ultrasound technician programs can help launch your career in as little as one year. We’ll discuss featured programs in this guide to show you what to look for in a quality program in terms of curriculum, cost, and online structure. This guide will also discuss common challenges and solutions in accelerated sonography andultrasound technician programs and provide a list of questions to ask to help you decide whether these programs are right for you.

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Explore Accelerated Online Sonography and Ultrasound Technician Programs
With the right strategies, prerequisites, and attitude, some accelerated online sonography and ultrasound tech programs can be completed in a single calendar year. Other programs take 18 months to four years to complete; this depends on whether you’re earning an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) or a bachelor’s degree. These programs are not fully online. Classroom learning can be remote, but students must also complete in-person labs and internships in clinical settings.
The programs in this guide are designed for students who want to enter the sonography/ultrasound field. Accelerated online programs are available for current sonographers who want to earn a bachelor’s degree. Look for accredited programs that qualify you to take certification exams through organizations like the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS) or Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI).
Washburn University
The Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS) program at Washburn University offers flexible online coursework with clinical rotations that can potentially be completed where you live. Year-long advanced certificates are available in three concentrations: abdomen extended/OB-GYN, cardiac, and vascular sonography. These programs provide a quick way to enter the healthcare workforce.
Students are eligible for ARDMS or CCI exams at the end of the program. They can start in one specialty and then pursue additional specialties after completing their first program. Washburn University’s location allows for a variety of clinical experiences at large medical centers, private doctor’s offices and clinics, and smaller community hospitals. Candidates for the DMS program must have earned an associate degree or higher in a healthcare program.
Duration: One year
Mode: Hybrid
Cost: $17,196 to $20,340
Admissions Requirements:
- Associate degree or higher in a healthcare program
- Sonography prerequisites
- Introduction to Medical Sonography
- Sonography Principles and Instrumentation
- Abdomen Sonography Procedures
- OB/GYN Sonography Procedures
- Cardiac Sonography
- Vascular Sonography
- Sonography Clinicals
State Fair Community College
The Diagnostic Medical Sonography program at State Fair Community College offers online didactic courses, an on-campus scanning lab, and in-person internships. The program has two 22-month tracks: general sonography and cardiac sonography. This associate degree program is intense, and enrollment is selective. Graduates are eligible for specialized certification exams, which can make them more marketable when searching for a job. This program is designed for students who are observant, strong critical thinkers, and technically skilled. Applicants should also be good listeners, have strong communication skills, have steady arm/hand skills, and pay attention to detail.
Duration: 22 months
Mode: Hybrid
Cost: $354 to $489 per credit
Admissions Requirements:
- College admission
- Program admission
- Background check
- Drug screening
- Immunizations
- Patient Care and Health Care Communication
- Ultrasound Scanning Lab
- Seminar in Sonography
- Sonography Principles and Instrumentation
- Sonography Clinical
- Vascular Sonography
- Allied Health Career Development
- OB/GYN Sonography
- General Sonography
Jackson College
The General Sonography program at Jackson College includes online didactic courses plus an in-person pre-clinical lab and an in-person externship consisting of 1,350 supervised clinical hours. Clinical hours are usually completed during the day, when supervisory staff are working. This program leads to an AAS degree and prepares students in two specialties within general sonography: abdomen/superficial structures and obstetrics/gynecology. A cardiac sonography and a vascular sonography focus are also available. Graduates are eligible to take the ARDMS exam in Physics and Instrumentation and/or Abdomen and Obstetrics/Gynecology. Working while enrolled is difficult, since the program requires 50 to 60 hours of time each week.
Duration: 18 months
Mode: Hybrid
Cost: $15,697 to $31,416
Admissions Requirements:
- College admittance
- Submit a completed DMS Advising Fact Sheet
- Sonography program admittance
- High school diploma
- Previous transcripts
- Meet Allied Health Department technical standards
- Diagnostic Imaging
- Sonographic Instrumentation
- Health Occupations
- Medical Terminology
- Introduction to Basic Physics
- Sonographic Orientation
- Sonographic Techniques
- Abdomen and Small Parts Sonography
- Obstetric and Gynecologic Sonography
- Comprehensive Sonography
- Clinical Experiences
Is an Accelerated Sonography/Ultrasound Technician Program Right for You?
Whether you’re aiming to finish a fast-track sonography/ultrasound technician program in a year or less or have another timeline, you should ask yourself a few questions before you begin. Accelerated online sonography and ultrasound technician programs are not designed for everyone, and answering the following questions can help you determine if they’re right for you.
Am I ready to make a financial commitment to a program?
The cost of an online degree is often less than one earned in person. But, it’s a still big commitment. To make sure you are ready, consider your savings and financial aid options, like scholarships and/or student loans. Remember that most online sonography/ultrasound technician programs require a bigger time commitment than a full-time job, so working while going to school likely won’t be an option. Be sure to have a financial plan lined up ahead of time and remember that the financial aid department at your chosen school can assist you.
Am I willing to study year-round?
Accelerated online sonography/ultrasound technician programs are intense. So, you need to ensure you have time in your schedule to meet all of the requirements and manage your other obligations. So, be sure to ask yourself if you can make the time for your desired program. For example, if you have a full-time job, you’ll probably need to quit or scale back your work hours. Finishing your program in an accelerated format likely means you’ll have to study full-time for at least a year.
Do I thrive in fast-paced, high-pressure environments?
Accelerated online sonography/ultrasound technician programs are fast-paced and the fields of sonography and ultrasound are, as well. Reasons for this high-pressured environment include urgency in diagnosing critically ill patients and working with diverse patients with a variety of needs. The field also requires precision and accuracy. Workload and time management are essential since scheduled appointments, emergencies, and collaboration with a healthcare team all might demand your attention on any given day.
Can I meet the admissions requirements?
Accelerated online sonography/ultrasound technician programs are often more selective than their traditional counterparts. Some programs require students to have associate degrees in a pre-approved discipline, such as allied health, or at least have completed certain sonography/ultrasound prerequisites. Other programs accept students with high school diplomas and no college experience, though a minimum GPA is often required. Many programs require that you obtain certain immunizations and complete a background check and drug screening. Note that admission to the college and admission to the sonography/ultrasound technician program are often separate processes.
Can my schedule accommodate classes and clinicals?
If you can’t quit your job, a part-time sonography/ultrasound technician program might work better for you, though they are more difficult to find. While some programs adhere to a typical school calendar, the addition of clinical internships adds significantly to their demands.
Challenges and Solutions for Students in Accelerated Sonography/Ultrasound Technician Programs
It’s inevitable that you’ll face some challenges as you journey through an accelerated online sonography/ultrasound technician program. Below, we’ll detail four of the most common challenges that students in these programs face, from information overload to time and financial pressures to curriculum difficulty. You’ll also find intuitive solutions and free resources for each challenge.
Challenge: Information Overload
Students of accelerated online sonography/ultrasound technician programs must juggle courses with clinicals, so they receive a lot of information in a short timeframe. Information overload can leave you struggling to decide where to focus next.
Solution: You can use a few strategies to combat information overload. First, ask for help when you need it. You can ask your professor during virtual office hours, consult your peers on an online forum, or ask your clinical supervisor in person. You should also practice active learning, which means engaging with new materials in a variety of ways such as thinking, writing, designing, and discussing as opposed to rote memorization.
Challenge: Intensive Schedule and Time Constraints
Many online accelerated sonography/ultrasound technician programs are year-round with heavier-than-usual course loads. The constant onslaught of course materials plus few breaks can lead to stress, burnout, and lack of self-care.
Solution: Manage your time well by creating a detailed schedule that includes time to study and time to take breaks. Dedicate time daily to self-care and maintain a healthy support system by staying in touch with family and friends. Practice a healthy lifestyle through diet, exercise, and sufficient sleep, and seek professional help if stress becomes too overwhelming. Many schools offer mental health services, and online resources are available, as well.
Challenge: Financial Pressure
Steep tuition and student fees can cause significant stress. This is especially true with accelerated sonography/ultrasound technician programs because you probably cannot work even part-time to help manage your finances.
Solution: Being proactive and applying for financial aid can minimize the financial burden of an accelerated online sonography/ultrasound technician program. Start the process by filling out the FAFSA form to see what federal aid you qualify for. Then, explore financial aid options like scholarships. Apply for more than one scholarship to maximize your chance of receiving funds. Student loans are also options, though they should be your last resort since they must be repaid.
Challenge: Complex Curriculum
One drawback of a sonography/ultrasound technician program is mastering complex imaging techniques. This is even more of a challenge when studying remotely, since you’ll have limited access to the technology used in sonograms and ultrasounds.
Solution: If you struggle mastering complex imaging techniques, ask to go to campus or stay late at your clinical site to practice on imaging machines. Redo online simulations for more practice. Utilize virtual resources, as well, including forums like the Sonography Connect Student Hub and organizations like the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (SDMS). Many schools with sonography/ultrasound technician programs also offer educational resources and technology materials. Remember that your fellow students can be resources, too.