LVN to RN Online Programs in CA: Finding Top Schools

There is a continuing shortage of registered nurses in California, but as a working licensed vocational nurse (LVN) in the state, you probably know that. And it’s possibly why you’re visiting this site to learn about online LVN/LPN to RN bridge programs and becoming a registered nurse. If so, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll introduce you to current online LVN to RN bridge programs in California and help you find the right one for you.

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Inside Online LVN to RN Degrees in California

Online LVN to RN programs offer study convenience and flexibility, but it’s important to note that you won’t be able to complete all of your program requirements online. When online features are available, they are typically live-streamed and/or recorded lectures along with course assignments, readings, and assessments. Most students will still need to come to campus for hands-on labs and some class sessions. Additionally, LVN to RN students participate in substantial clinical experiences at program-affiliated medical facilities, typically in the student’s local area.

We’ve profiled three online LVN to RN programs in California below to help you get started. Be ready to do a little digging during your program search to determine if a program you’re interested in offers online components.


California State University San Marcos

Current California vocational nurses interested in a nursing bachelor’s degree will want to consider the LVN to BSN Pathway of CSUSM’s Traditional BSN program. Current LVNs must first pass the LVN Nursing Skills Assessment and be admitted into the program. They are then awarded 17 NURS course credits corresponding to BSN program courses. Next, students join the current BSN program cohort and complete the first year of the program (minus courses covered by awarded credits) on a part-time basis, continuing through the next three years as a full-time student.

A small number of nursing courses are delivered online in an asynchronous format. Labs and all other nursing courses are attended weekdays on CSUSM’s campus. In addition, many required non-nursing and general education courses can be taken online, the majority delivered asynchronously. LVN to BSN students also complete clinical hours at local healthcare facilities. The program begins once annually in the fall.

Duration: Four years

Mode: Hybrid

Cost: Tuition: $6,084/year (California residents); $9,126/year (Western Undergraduate Exchange state residents; $16,164/year (out-of-state residents)

Admissions Requirements:

  • Qualify for CSUSM transfer
  • Valid California LVN license
  • Vocational nursing coursework or equivalent coursework through military training 
  • Completion of the Pre-Nursing Core (prerequisite coursework) or their equivalents, with at least a grade of C and an overall GPA of 2.75
  • Minimum 2.0 overall college/university GPA 
  • Nursing Student Health & Clinical Compliance
  • Fitness for clinical practice


Year One Fall

  • GEW 101B: Written Communication
  • BIOL 175: Human Anatomy and Physiology I
  • CHEM 105: General, Organic, and Biochemistry
  • CHEM 105L: General, Organic, and Biochemistry Lab
  • GEO 102: Oral Communication

Year One Spring

  • GE Area C3: Language other than English
  • BIOL 176: Human Anatomy and Physiology II
  • BIOL 160: Microbiology for the Health Sciences
  • GE Area A3: Critical Thinking
  • PSYC 100: Introduction to Psychology

Year Two Fall

  • NURS 200: Introduction to Nursing Practice
  • NURS 201: Introduction to Nursing Practice Lab
  • NURS 210: Nursing Communication & Assessment
  • NURS 211: Nursing Communication/Assessment Lab
  • MATH 200: Mathematical Statistics
  • NURS 204: Introduction to Professionalism

Year Two Spring

  • NURS 212A: Pathophysiology & Pharmacology
  • NURS 220: Nursing Care of Adults I
  • NURS 221: Nursing Care of Adults I Lab
  • NURS 260: Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
  • NURS 261: Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Lab
  • GE Area C1: Fine Arts

Year Two Summer (optional)

  • NURS 230: Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family
  • NURS 231: Nursing Care Childbearing Family Lab

Year Three Fall

  • NURS 212B: Pathophysiology and Pharmacology II
  • NURS 222: Nursing Care of Adults II
  • NURS 223: Nursing Care of Adults II Lab
  • NURS 370: Health Promotion and Patient Education
  • ANTH 301: Culture & Medicine: Healers & Healing
  • GE Area F: Ethnic Studies

Year Three Spring

  • NURS 320: Nursing Care of Adults III
  • NURS 321: Nursing Care of Adults III Lab
  • NURS 352: Nursing Research (DEu)
  • NURS 480: Family Nursing: Theory and Practice
  • BIOL 323: Physiology of Nutrition and Disease

Year Three Summer

  • NURS 232: Nursing Care of Children
  • NURS 233: Nursing Care of Children Lab

Year Four Fall

  • NURS 440: Community Health Nursing
  • NURS 445: Practicum: Community Oriented Nursing & Case Management
  • NURS 491: Transition to Nursing Practice (optional)
  • PHIL 345: Bioethics and Medical Ethics (DEg)
  • PSCI 100: United States Government and Politics

Year Four Spring

  • NURS 450: Nursing Leadership/Professional Issues
  • NURS 451: Leadership and Management Lab
  • NURS 491: Transition to Nursing Practice
  • NURS 490: Transition to Nursing Practice Seminar
  • GE Area C2: Humanities
  • HIST 130 or 131: United States History


Pasadena City College

The LVN to RN (Career Ladder) Nursing Option of the Registered Nursing program at Pasadena City College provides students with the nursing theory and clinical skills needed to qualify for the NCLEX-RN exam leading to RN licensure. Lecture classes for most nursing courses are delivered online in a synchronous format requiring students to log on and attend class sessions via Zoom on weekday mornings and afternoons. Many prerequisite and required non-nursing courses are also available online in either synchronous or asynchronous formats. Students additionally attend labs on PCC’s Pasadena campus and clinical rotations at program-approved clinical sites. Graduates of the program receive an Associate Degree in Nursing with a Certificate of Achievement in Registered Nursing.

Duration: Three semesters

Mode: Hybrid

Cost: $46/credit (California residents); $452/credit (non-California residents)

Admissions Requirements:

  • Valid California LVN license
  • Minimum 2.5 GPA on prerequisite courses
  • Minimum score of 62 on TEAS test
  • Completion of relevant coursework
  • Relevant healthcare certificates, current patient care experience, veteran status, previous academic degree
  • Life experiences or special circumstances of an applicant
  • Proficiency or advanced coursework in languages other than English
  • Health clearance and documentation of required immunizations including Covid 19 and Influenza vaccinations (required for clinical rotations)
  • Clear annual criminal background check (required for clinical rotations)
  • Clear drug screen (each semester)



  • English 001A: Reading & Composition
  • Chemistry 002A: General, Organic, and Biochemistry (preferred). CHEM 022 or CHEM 001A are acceptable
  • Microbiology 002: Microbiology
  • Anatomy 025: Human Anatomy
  • Physiology 001: Human Physiology

Nursing Courses

  • NURS 210: Nursing Role Transition
  • NURS 052S: Intermediate Nursing Care Seminar
  • NURS 052A: Intermediate Medical Surgical Nursing
  • NURS 052L: Intermediate Medical Surgical Nursing Lab
  • NURS 042: Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
  • NURS 042L: Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Lab
  • NURS 053S: Advanced Nursing Seminar
  • NURS 053A: Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing
  • NURS 053L: Advanced Medical Surgical Nursing Lab/Clinical

Additional Courses

  • Psychology 001 or 024
  • Humanities: two courses
  • Speech 1 or 10: Fundamentals of Speech
  • History: two courses
  • Political Science 001
  • Nutrition 11: Human Nutrition
  • Statistics: STAT 050 or 018
  • Sociology 001
  • Critical Thinking: Eng 1C, Ph 25,30.33, Phy Sc 2, Sp 6, Sp12
  • Physical Education: two courses

Sacramento City College

Sacramento City College offers both associate degree and certificate options to LVNs seeking the education and training to become registered nurses. The LVN-RN Transition to Registered Nursing option is a 60-credit program leading to an Associate of Science in Registered Nursing degree and eligibility for the NCLEX-RN exam. The curriculum consists of nursing theory courses, skills labs, and clinical rotation hours along with general education and non-nursing prerequisite courses. The degree option requires two years of full-time study. The LVN-RN 30-unit certificate option consists of 29 credits of nursing and biology coursework. Students completing this option are awarded a Certificate of Achievement and are also eligible to take the NCLEX-RN exam. Both one-year and 18-month programs are available.

AS degree and certificate options include nursing coursework that combines some online learning components with campus-attended classes and in-person clinicals. Some required non-nursing courses are offered online in synchronous or asynchronous formats.

Duration: Two years (AS degree); one year or 18 months (certificate)

Mode: Hybrid

Cost: $46/credit (California residents); $472/credit (non-California residents)

Admissions Requirements:

AS Degree

  • General admission into Sacramento City College
  • California LVN license
  • Completion of prerequisite coursework with “C” or better grade and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better
  • A score of 70 or higher on the Registered Nursing Multi Criteria Enrollment Form
  • Completion of the latest edition of the TEAS test meeting a minimum composite score
  • Completion of all general education requirements (Area I-VI) and competency requirements (reading, writing, and mathematics) prior to program application is strongly recommended

Certificate of Achievement

  • General admission into Sacramento City College
  • California LVN license
  • Minimum of six months recent LVN work experience, preferably in the medical-surgical area
  • Completion of BIOL 431 or equivalent physiology course and BIOL 440 or equivalent microbiology course with grades of “B” or better prior to enrollment in the nursing courses


AS Degree

  • ANTH 310: Cultural Anthropology or ANTH 481: Honors Cultural Anthropology or SOC 321: Race, Ethnicity and Inequality in the United States or SOC 482: Race, Ethnicity and Inequality in the United States – Honors
  • BIOL 430: Anatomy and Physiology
  • BIOL 431: Anatomy and Physiology
  • BIOL 440: General Microbiology
  • COMM 301: Introduction to Public Speaking or COMM 331: Group Discussion or COMM 481: Introduction to Public Speaking – Honors
  • ENGWR 300: College Composition or ENGWR 488: Honors College Composition and Research or ESLW 340: Advanced Composition
  • PSYC 300: General Principles or PSYC 480: Honors General Principles
  • NURSE 307: LVN-RN (Associate Degree Nursing) Transition
  • NURSE 427: Nursing Complex Health Problems Through the Life Cycle
  • NURSE 437: Nursing in Complex and Multiple Patient Care
  • Electives needed to reach total of 60 credits needed for the AS degree

Certificate of Achievement

  • BIOL 431: Anatomy and Physiology
  • BIOL 440: General Microbiology
  • NURSE 308: LVN-RN 30-Unit Option
  • NURSE 437: Nursing in Complex and Multiple Patient Care

FAQs About LVN to RN Online Programs in California

While the program profiles above have likely answered several of your questions about how online LVN to RN bridge programs in California work, they’ve also probably raised a few more. Here are the answers to five questions commonly asked by prospective LVN to RN students.

How long do online LVN to RN bridge programs in California take to complete?

The duration of your online LVN to RN program depends on your chosen credential (LVN to BSN, LVN to ADN, certificate) as well as how many prerequisite courses you must complete. Study pace can also affect completion time. In most cases, LVN to RN programs leading to a bachelor’s degree normally require three to four years of full-time study. LVN to ADN programs are typically 18 months to two years full-time. And most LVN to RN certificate programs will typically take from one year to 18 months to complete.

What are the admissions requirements for an LVN to RN bridge program in California?

Application requirements for LVN-to-RN bridge programs in California vary from program to program. But you’ll find that most programs have admissions requirements similar to the following:

  • A current and unencumbered LVN license; most programs require a California LVN license
  • High school diploma or equivalent
  • Completion of prerequisite coursework
  • Complete the TEAS exam with the required minimum score
  • Documentation of clean health and required immunizations
  • Pass a criminal background check and drug screen
  • CPR certification

Can I get financial aid to help pay for my LVN to RN program?

Qualifying LVN to RN students are eligible for a full range of financial aid , including loans and loan repayment opportunities, scholarships and grants, employer tuition reimbursement programs, tuition payment plans, and more. The best place to start your funding search is with the financial aid offices for each of the online LVN to RN programs in California you’re considering. Other great resources to check out include the federal government’s Health Resources and Services Administration and the California Department of Health Care Access and Information.

Where can I complete my clinical hours required for my online LVN to RN bridge program in California?

Clinical experiences play a critical role in the education and training process for registered nurses. Additionally, the State of California requires that RN students complete a minimum of 500 clinical practice hours for license eligibility. That’s why your online LVN to RN bridge program’s curriculum will include a substantial number of supervised clinical hours attended in program-approved practice settings in the school’s and/or student’s local area, such as hospitals, outpatient clinics, surgical centers, and long-term care facilities. Working LVNs may be able to complete their clinical requirements at their current place of employment.

What is the NCLEX-RN exam like?

If you’re a working LVN who has taken the NCLEX-PN exam, then you already have a basic idea of what the NCLEX-RN exam entails. Both exams require the same test-taking strategies and skill. Both are administered by Pearson/VUE and have similar registration requirements and test formats. And both exams cover much of the same general subject matter. However, while the NCLEX-PN focuses on vocational nursing skills (such as recording patient data and providing basic care), the NCLEX-RN focuses on the test-taker’s knowledge and skills in the assessment and management of the patient’s condition.

California LVN vs. RN Salary & Career Comparison

Now that you have a clear path from LPN to RN, it’s time to consider what you can expect in your career. Across the board, California RNs enjoy higher compensation and more opportunities for growth than LPNs. While the 17.8% growth rate for LPNs is higher than the 12.9% rate for RNs, there’s considerably more demand for RNs both now and in the future. RN jobs are expected to increase by 43,200, while LPNs will only add 13,900.

RNs also get paid more. The median salary for RNs is $133,990, which is about 77% more than the LPN median salary of $75,610. In the 90th percentile, RNs earn $194,240, which is a nearly six-figure increase over the $96,790 that 90th percentile LPNs are paid. Check out the data below to get a clearer picture of what your future as an RN could look like.

Occupation Area 10th Percentile Median 90th Percentile
Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses California $61,500 $75,610 $96,790
Registered Nurses California $83,510 $133,990 $194,240

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Data based on national numbers, not school-specific information.

Occupation Area Curr. Jobs Proj. Jobs New Jobs Growth % Avg. Ann. Openings
Registered Nurses United States 3,172,500 3,349,900 177,400 5.60% 193,100
Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses United States 655,000 689,900 34,900 5.30% 54,400
Registered Nurses California 333,700 376,900 43,200 12.90% 23,420
Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses California 78,100 92,000 13,900 17.80% 7,830

Source: Projections Central

Data based on national numbers, not school-specific information.

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Michael Hoffman, BA, JD AUTHOR

Michael Hoffman is a skilled freelance journalist with nearly 15 years of experience specializing in the research and writing of online content. He has authored nearly 300 articles for higher education-focused websites (including over 140 for EduMed) covering a wide range of academic disciplines, such as business, healthcare, education, public service, computer science and information technology, and many others. Michael is a graduate of the University of California, Santa Barbara and the Santa Barbara College of Law. Prior to becoming a professional writer, Michael practiced for several years as a civil litigator in Los Angeles and worked in Santa Monica, California as a development executive for a major film producer.

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